Sunday, February 24, 2008

Minding Our Elders

I found this blog, Minding Our Elders, while looking for articles on Alzheimer's. The blog is maintained by Carol Bradley Bursack and I find it to be a treasure chest of information. It quickly is becoming my favorite site for Elder Care information. If you have elderly relatives and are a caregiver, go see her site NOW! I wrote Carol about the frustration in care giving for my wonderful mother-in-law. She wrote me back and told of a worse horror story about a relative of hers. With people living longer, elder care is becoming a critical issue. On top of that, many people (like the Bobblehead) live far distances from their parents. Both my parents and in-laws all live in Texas (but no where close to each other in Texas). The Bobblehead lives in The Land of Enchantment. My situation is a common one. How do I properly care for my children and wife while at the same time try to provide or prepare to provide care for 4 elderly parents and in-laws? It is rough. Minding Our Elders is a must, must read. Carol also has a book on Elder Care. Mine is on order.“Minding Our Elders: Caregivers Share Their Personal Stories” (Carol Bradley Bursack)

Thank you, Carol.

[posted by Bobblehead]